Trench's Tavern
Last updated: 7/28/02
Welcome to the new and renovated website of Trench & Mephisto! Yes, the two have joined forces into one site to make it just that much bigger, badder and better! This is the Trenchian entrance. Basically, that means your entering from the way I see things, however, it will still hold the same content as Mephisto's entrance. Now, who are Trench and Mephisto? What do they do? And why the hell would anyone really care? All good questions, and ones that will soon be answered as you scroll through our trove of treasures (or junk, depending on how one looks at it). Our attempt is to make everything a net surfer could possibly want with the easiest way to find it. Is something missing that you believe should be put forth? Email either Trench or Mephisto and we'll attempt to find what you're looking for and place it here. Mind you, what we have here is mostly for our own use, put up so we always know where it is. However, since it's here, you may as well use it, too. If there is ANY broken link, please email one of us and we will attempt to fix it immediately (unlike some sites that have long forgotten that their site even exists). And now, for the info.
Well... That's all quite outdated, now, isn't it? Well, I was locked out of my site for sometime. Luckily, I found my way back in. Stupid hackers. Anyway, this is still Trench's Tavern, now one part of a two part web site. For the other part, head on over here. Obviously, Meph and I aren't really working together on such a project, anymore, but I can now update this place a bit more. Haven't gotten much out of the public in an opinion as to what they'd like to see. Perhaps you losers just don't want to see anything. That's alright... I still have open the library for any wishing to submit stories, for what that's worth, as I, too, will attempt to add a bit more within.
Library - A collection of stories. (Any who wish to contribute are welcomed.)
The Dark Alliance - Here is a page with a bit of useful information that I was able to create based on the Dark Alliance, as well as some personal info.
Furcadia - Our pages of a game we used to play long ago.
Message Board - Write something down, start a discussion, I dunno, threaten someone.
Links - Not much here... This really isn't all that much of a popular site just yet, nonetheless, you think this page might have promise and you know it's creator or some such and just want your page advertised a bit... Alright, here's where I'd put it. (Of course, in return, I'd ask you put this page on your links section.)
Chat - Chat room for my personal use during times when I can't get to ICQ or related type of things.
Trench's Mail
Mephisto's Mail
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