So, what is a twink? Some may give you stupid little definations (not to name any names), but, like most things, it really depends on what the general public believes it to be. A faggot is actually a cigarette in England. But, the general public has made it to be something else, here. So, which is right? Depends on where you are. Argue it if you want, but make sure you argue to someone who cares.
Now, for the rest of you who wonder what the public of Furcadia believes a twink to be, I'll try to sum it all up. There are certain guidlines to make a twink, of course, a twink doesn't always follow all these guidelines, and some people don't even mind some of these things, thus not considering people who do this to be twinkish, however, these are twink-like qualities:
1a) Using shortcuts in typing: "Who r u?"
1b) Not using punctuation: "Who are you"
1c) Not using capitalization: "who are you?"
(These alone don't make for a twink, but all too common is it seen: "who r u" and THAT's what makes a twink.)
2) People who gather their total charecter off a movie/video game: "I choose you, Pikachuu!"
Or, "I summon 'Knights of the Round'!" (Yes, I had that one done to me.)
3) Someone who believes their all powerful: "You can't harm me! I'm wearing my adamentium armor!"
4) Powergamers. Visit my RP site to get my full meaning of that.
But, above all other things, a twink is generally just another term for someone who really gets on your nerves, such as "dolt", "moron" or "idiot". I dunno, I just think twink sounds better.
Now, many people may argue "why is that a twink???" (That's usually because their victims of such things.) So, for your pleasure, I shall attempt to explain why each one is twinkish:
1) The three grammar lessons: Often times it ends up confusing alot of people who can't understand idiot, and really shows a lack of intellect, usually. There are a few exceptions, and people sometimes miss and make a mistake, but generally...
2) Gathering a charecter from a movie/game: Come on! Originality is a part of the game! However, there are certain limitations, and these qualities go well beyond those limitations. You can't summon Pikachuu or Knights of the Round because they don't exist in this realm!
3) It's a form of Powergaming. Who wants to play against a person who can't be hurt? I mean, I wouldn't want to play against them even if I didn't mean them harm. Half the fun in day to day life (especially in Furc) is being able to hurt someone from time to time, even if it's in friendly jest. If the person doesn't want to fight or be killed or something, just stay out of war like areas! (Hell, they're decreasing with every update, so it shouldn't be that hard.)
4) Visit the site above for the explination of Powergamers, and why their twinks.
If you like to add your opinion of what twink-like qualities are, please email me.
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