What is RP and what is PG?
Note: These are not official rules (yet), but I believe them to be excellent guidelines to RP by if your freeforming in Furcadia.
RP - Role Playing... In the terms of Furcadia, Freeform is the most commonly used form of "RP". Many think freeform isn't a form of RP at all... These are not true Furcadian Warriors. So, what is needed for freeform? Yes, you can do just about anything you can imagine, but it has to be able to be explained. IE: You can't conjure forth a demon and just say that you did just cause you did. For full explinations on certain spells and conjurings such as a demon's, see the "Spells" section of Trench's Tavern. Same with weapons. To create either a charecter, weapon, spell, etc., one must follow certain guidelines. First, does your charecter/spell/weapon have limitations? Nothing and no one is all powerful. It can be destroyed and the spell can be undone. This may not apply to every last part of the game, but I can't, off the top of my head, think of where it wouldn't. Death spells can be casted, but MUST take more than one turn, during battle, to prepare (usually takes 4 turns. If you can't defend against a death spell in four turns, you probably deserve to die). Paralyzasion spells must take at least two turns, but generally take 3... This includes spells such as "Sleep".
What is a Power Gamer?
What is a Power Gamer, indeed... Is someone who proclaims himself a "God" a powergamer?
No, Myk, you're not a powergamer... Just annoying. Yes, he may proclaim to be a God, which was kind of common back in the old days. There were several Gods, just ask the Cult of Krewl, Rooster, Tanis, or even Rasper... Of course, I hardly recommend trying to create a "God" charecter nowadays, for even the ones that were once accepted to be what they are are no longer really accepted. Nonetheless, they still fight for their Godly title. Now, what makes a "God" not a powergamer and a "powerful mage twink" a powergamer? Quite simply: Limitations. The Gods of the old days know they have limitations, though they won't openly admit it. Given, their limitations are a bit less than a normal furres, and some might argue that that's a powergame. No, sorry, that's a storyline, not a powergame. It's at this point I introduce my section "Trench's Rant"